Michael was taken from us before we were ready, but let's celebrate his life. I know we all have wonderful memories of Michael. Let's share them here.
I have so many it's hard to just pick a few. I do remember when Scott & I went to Michael's for dinner & he couldn't find his corkscrew. I tried using a screwdriver to push the cork into the bottle (had done it many times with no problems) and my hand slipped. I ended up at the emergency room the next day with a splint on my finger. Michael got such a kick out of my accident.
I also remember Michael blaming me for Eileen getting pregnant with Geoffrey. They had been to dinner at my house & I served olives. Michael said olives were a fertility fruit and it was my fault.
Michael loved a good joke. I remember when he, Wendy and I went to pick out Judy's tiara, not once but at least twice that I remember. He loved being a part of the "coronation".
I'll never forget you, Michael.
Cousin Michael, we will miss you ! One of my earleist recollections of Michael is when he picked up the "Greenamyer" kids and took us tobogganing somewhere in the Cleveland area and had us spend the night. It may have been Strongsville as they are still running now. For some reason I dont think Greg was with us, I think it was just myself, Terri, and Scott. Looking back on that now, I think, how brave he must have been, we were little kids ! One of my last recollections was one of the last times he was at my Mothers house, he showed up without a toupee !! I remember telling him how handsome he was and that he should have given that up a long time ago !! He will be missed, and family, see how quick it can all come to an end ? Wake up, smell the roses, and lets all keep in touch NOW !!!
As you may know Dianna and I recently moved back to Ohio from Florida, again! Tonight we were working in the spare bedroom where we have a wicker chair that used to be on Grandma Scott’s front porch. It’s amazing the memories a piece of furniture can stir up.
The simple days of family gatherings at Grandma’s house, the special occasions when Aunt Doris and her family or Uncle Wilbur and Aunt Mary would come for a visit. These were great times, having a family dinner and hanging out on the front porch listening to all of the stories that were told. The older I get the more I realize that times like this are what life is all about.
With Michael’s sudden passing he may not be sitting with us on the front porch but our memories will keep him with us forever.
I'm glad I'm not as old as Greg !!! I sure dont remember that chair !! But I do remember the good ole days when it was a treat to get to go to Grandma Scotts for lunch from school....I know the first time I went I convinced Mom that I knew the way but was scared the whole way there, hoping I'd find her house, a whole 3 blocks from school ! Do any of you remember Grandma Yodeling ?? (SP) I remember her taking her teeth out to do so, I had never seen such a thing !!!I guess we ARE the next generation, its up to us to keep the memories alive !!! To all, be well, be safe, and God Speed...........
I remember Grandma Scott & Aunt Helen yodeling all the way down the hall to wake me up. They were good!
Greg's right. Family is what is important in life and I'm blessed to have so many great memories of the past. I also remember Aunt Doris playing the piano for us like she used to in the silent movies.
Another great memory I have of Michael is his wedding. He asked me to take the gifts people brought to the fellowship hall. I didn't realize one side of the sanctuary was glass & I just went on my merry way. I had on a very short micro mini dress and have no idea what people saw.
Oh, Michael you are greatly missed.
Mother, you crack me up with your micro-mini dress story......
I'm afraid I don't have many memories of Micheal. Just that last family reunion I was at and what I do remember was he was funny and made me laugh.
Most of my memories are spending time at Aunt Judy and Uncle Jerry's on Parkway (Or Parkview!) in the big white house with the pool. I do remember Bonnieview and skating on the pond though when we were little.
They are good memories....
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