What sort of Christmas gift could render such a look?
Well, what do you know. It's the infamous underpants and....

panty hose!! How did they ever find there way under Jill's Christmas tree?

Christmas gifts are meant to be a surprise so I think this one was a bit hit.
What about anybody else? Get something that was a surprise? Something that wasn't but you didn't care? (I'm not talking about Brenna who went and bought and wrapped her gift from Lenny and me and then brought it over to open on Christmas day!)
Tell all about your Christmas and post some photos!!!
War has been declared! Not only did our children get involved in this but Miles as well (pretzels my ass). So anyone is likely to get a package in the mail. If the contents look like the pictures above be sure to send them to Judy. She's waiting on them.
Ooh, you're bad.
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